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Exploring Prehispanic woodworking technologies in the isolated context of the Canary Islands: Innovative and adaptive responses (WoodTRACES).

Paloma Vidal Matutano

Project Collaborators:
Dorota Wojtczak (UNIBAS)
Amelia Rodríguez (ULPGC)
Antoni Palomo (MAC)
Raquel Piqué (UAB)
J. A. Barceló (UAB)
Igor Bogdanovich (UAB)

Prehispanic period in the Canary Islands (ca. 200 - 1500 CE)

The Canary Islands remained isolated after the settlement of Berber agropastoral groups from north Africa some 2 000 years ago and the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century. The first settlers adapted to local raw material availability that lacked metal ores, developing volcanic lithic technologies and woodcraft. The EU-funded WoodTRACES project will apply an innovative interdisciplinary approach combining archaeobotanical research and experimental archaeology with tool-mark and wear analyses and pioneering methodologies like 3D scanner. The project will test the hypothesis that the study of woodworking technology can reveal new insights into the human adaptation process to environments lacking metal tools and biogeographical differences, contributing to sustainable cultural tourism based on perishable archaeological heritage.

University of Basel

Funding and financing institution:
203.149,44 euros (European Commission)

Start Date: 01/09/2021
End Date: 30/06/2022

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