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Network Co-organisers

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Paloma Vidal-Matutano

Raquel Piqué Huerta

Annemieke Milks

Oriol López-Bultó

Paloma Vidal-Matutano specialises in archaeological plant macro-remains (charcoal/wood). Since 2013, she has analysed firewood gathering strategies among hunter-gatherer groups from different geographic contexts (Spain, Italy, Montenegro, Armenia, Morocco). Her postdoctoral research has mainly focused on archaeobotanical and technological analyses of wooden desiccated artefacts from Prehispanic contexts of the Canary Islands.

Raquel Piqué i Huerta is a Professor at the Department of Prehistory, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). She specialises in plant identification, the analysis of technological production, and function of plant-based tools. Her research focuses on the archaeology of hunter-gatherer and early farming societies, archeobotany and ethnoarchaeology. She is co-director of the research project at the early Neolithic site of La Draga. (Spain).

Annemieke Milks has a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Reading. She specialises in technological analysis and use of wood for weapons and children's material culture in the Palaeolithic and beyond. Her work is multidisciplinary and includes work with archaeological wood, experimental archaeology and ethno-archaeology. She is co-chair of the EAA's Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Community. Website:

Oriol López-Bultó’s expertise is the study of prehistoric wood from a multidisciplinary point of view. Since his master’s dissertation, he approached the study of wood technology by combining traditional and innovative methodologies and techniques. He focuses on Neolithic woodworking at the waterlogged site of La Draga, and has also worked with charred, dry, and waterlogged materials from the Palaeolithic through the Medieval period.

Network Members

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